Friday, October 9, 2009

The twins... 1 month

Carson Jeremy and Kaleigh Ann were 1 month old today, so we tried to take some pictures of them together. They are funny because their schedules are completely opposite though. So when one was sleeping the other was awake and vise-versa. Anyways, it was fun, and it's fun to see how they compare to each other in size as they continue to get older.

Carson is pretty good at relaxing once he's tired enough...

My zen baby.. haha

Kaleigh is still a bit bigger, but Carson is catching up!

Their first punching match... At this point Kaleigh had smacked Carson in the face a few times because she wanted her pacifier, and he woke up and started swinging back... It was pretty funny.

One of my favorite faces that he makes.

Carson is also a pretty serious guy. He will smile and laugh too, but he often has this kind of look on his face. Makes you wonder what he's thinking.

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