Friday, July 17, 2009

A new addition to the family...

So let me paint you a picture...

I'm sitting at the computer trying to compile a bunch of numbers and information for our company. The whole time Jason and I are talking back and forth about how to move forward with different scenarios, employees, etc... We've been at it for several hours, when out of no where...

(Jason): Do you think our dogs would accept a pig?

Surely I didn't hear him right... At this point it was such a departure from the previous conversation that I almost fell out of my chair, laughing, and shocked...

A pig? In our backyard? Running around with our 3 dogs (yes, for those of you who haven't kept track, we are up to 3 large dogs in our family)... Coming in and out of the house through the doggy door? And what about me accepting a pig into the family???

As I finally composed my self enough to say something intelligent and coherent (I think it specifically was "What the hell!") my dear husband proceeded to lay out his very logical thought process...

If we're going to eventually buy one of the properties we've been looking at with a few acres, and set back towards the forest service, we'd have more run-ins with rattlers. And apparently hogs/pigs are somewhat impervious to rattlesnake venom, and will attack and kill the snakes without any hesitation. He then proceeded to site all the articles and books he has found on the phenomenon. My husband is always prepared for any kind of objections.

All I can envision the whole time is some pink piglet being chased around by my huge dogs squealing at the top of it's lungs , and then the opposite when it's bigger, and it chases them.

If any of you know my husband very well, you can rest assured that now, somewhere in our future is a pig/hog... Great...