Friday, February 26, 2010

Blog Dump!

It's been sooooooooo long since I've posted anything on here! We have been taking lots of pictures and videos of Carson, and it's insane how much he's grown already in just 6 months! I can't believe that it's really been that long. So this dump will probably go from his blessing all the way to now! Enjoy...

P.S. As an update Carson is growing like a weed! He was only in the 10% for weight and 25% for height when he was born. At his 4 mo appointment he weighed 15 lbs. 8 oz. and was 26 in long putting him in the 80% for weight and 93% for height.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day at the Park # 2

Carson, Kaleigh, Jenna and I took advantage of the beautiful day today and went to the park. The main attraction.... ducks! The kiddos enjoyed watching them as they swam around and fought over the bread chunks we through in at them.

These never quite worked out and caught everyone in them... but Kaleigh's eyes look awesome in this picture!

Carson always does that with his head because he is trying to find something to chew on.

Checking out the ducks.

Aunt Jenna and Kaleigh

aw shucks....

Carson is constantly checking everything out now, it's so much fun watching him learn about new things.

Jenna's favorite duck...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day at the Park

Jason and I took Carson to the park to see the ducks today. We forgot to bring bread so we used a crumbled up granola bar to feed them instead... Not sure that worked out so well for them.

After we had our fill of ducks we checked out the playground.