Tuesday, November 17, 2009


We found out this fall that my Grandpa Smith (my dad's dad) has a large heart aneurysm. It took a turn for the worse and started leaking in November so I decided to make a quick trip out to see him with Carson before Thanksgiving instead of waiting till the spring. My dad and sister ended up being out there at the same time, and we had a nice visit. I'm glad I went then because my grandfather passed away in January, so it was nice to spend some time with him before then.

Grandpa Smith, Me and Carson and Great Grandpa Smith.

It seems like every time these two are together they decide to take a nap.

Grandma Julie lovin on Carson.

Auntie Sam with Carson in his infamous moose pj's.

We got back in time to catch the tail end of my brother's families visit to Phoenix. So we were able to spend an afternoon with Chris, Esther and her bump, and Jay. Esther took some great pictures of Carson and then the two cousins!

This is probably Jason's favorite picture of his boy so far!

Funny how much of a size difference there is right now. Carson and Jay are about 1 year and 4 months apart.

I think Carson was done with the pictures by now, but Jay loves smiling for the camera!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Kaleigh's Blessing

Carsons twin.. er I mean cousin, Kaleigh Ann was blessed today. And it gave us the opportunity to take some good pictures with family.
The cousins and their mamma's!

Auntie Sam

Tio Kolby

The standard four generations pic on the Lamb side. All of these guys are oldest boys! How fun.