Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Carson and Titus

Carson loves his dogs, and they love him. They hang out with him while he plays, and eat the food he drops on the floor for them. They also are a quick fix when he's upset, not many things can turn his tears to laughs quite like one of his doggies coming over to give his little hand a quick lick. Titus came in to hang out with him the other day and I happened to have my camera ready!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ninjas and Curtains

I FINALLY finished the curtains for Carson's room! Hooray, I'm sure my husband will be happy to have my "mess" from the project cleaned up. I also made something extra for Carson with the left-over scraps. P.S. Thanks Kelli for the letters in Carson's room!

As most of you know, Jason loves martial arts. I think it's genetic, because Carson loves to watch his daddy practice, and will also sit with him and watch YouTube clips non-stop. So I made him a ninja pillow. He blends in with his room, and scares bad guys away. Carson wants to know if you can find his new friend in the picture above.

Fighting off bad dreams!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The prom...

Today was no fun. Honestly I've been trying not to think about it for the last six months. When Carson was born he was scheduled to be circumsized in the hospital, but they had to put it off for 6 months until he was big enough to be able to handle general anesthesia. The reason was a twist in the skin (called a torsion), that could give him problems in the future if we didn't wait to do it more thoroughly with a urologist surgeon.

Though the surgery was not major it still was really bothering me and Jason to think about the poor little guy being knocked out. On top of that we found out that they would take him away from us before they put him under. Jason gave him a blessing the night before, and when we headed to the hospital we were happy to see that Carson was in good spirits despite not being able to eat since 3 in the morning. He enjoyed playing with his toys in the waiting room and then we went back and took his vitals and got him changed into his hospital gown.

The nurses came in to go over last minute instructions and then they took him away... It about made my heart break, but he's such a little trooper, he didn't cry or anything (at least not while we could hear). The last thing the nurse said was, "Next time you see him, he'll be all ready for the prom!" haha, that at least made me laugh...

He played with his daddy in the waiting room while I filled out paperwork, before they had us go in the back to get him changed.

In his hospital gown.

Cuddling after his surgery.

I am so grateful that he's home now. He's a tough little guy!