Friday, March 19, 2010

Ninjas and Curtains

I FINALLY finished the curtains for Carson's room! Hooray, I'm sure my husband will be happy to have my "mess" from the project cleaned up. I also made something extra for Carson with the left-over scraps. P.S. Thanks Kelli for the letters in Carson's room!

As most of you know, Jason loves martial arts. I think it's genetic, because Carson loves to watch his daddy practice, and will also sit with him and watch YouTube clips non-stop. So I made him a ninja pillow. He blends in with his room, and scares bad guys away. Carson wants to know if you can find his new friend in the picture above.

Fighting off bad dreams!


The Mom. said...


Shaun and Kelli said...

oh YAY! SO cute, the letters look perfect in his room! Isn't it nice to finish it finally? He's so adorable, I want to meet him!!!

Jessica said...

Love the nursery and the little ninja dude! fun.