Friday, August 7, 2009

Hate is a strong word, but I really really really don't like you.

Ok, so maybe hate isn't too strong... Mosquitoes suck (duh dum cha)! I forgot that they are one reason I don't enjoy the south during the rainy season (though there are many other reasons to enjoy it). Nothing like your legs looking leprous from all your red, bloody welts.

And last but not least the wasp... Not so funny story, but as I was trying to hurry out the door the other day, one of these little guys was trying to hurry in. I didn't even see him, just felt him sting me - on my stomach - through 2 layers of clothing. Nothing like a big (think larger then a dvd) sized red itchy welt on your pregnant stomach to make you feel sexy! I have to admit that my anger got the best of me and I spent the next 30 minutes trying to kill him, it did dull the pain.

P.S. Please don't worry about the sting, it's fine now, no allergic reactions, and it won't hurt the baby. Plus the red and itchiness is almost gone!

1 comment:

Shaun and Kelli said...

awful! I HATE wasps. We have so many around our house. As soon as we kill the nest, we find another one. This will be a fun story to tell when he gets older.