Sunday, August 16, 2009

That's SOOOO Gay!

Has anyone seen the new "That's So Gay" commercials. I thought these were a joke or a spoof or something. But it is actually a real ad campaign! Are famous peoples lives that empty they have to look this hard for a cause to get behind??? I'm sure it will win an award though, I mean, it wouldn't be PC if an ad like this didn't. Why don't they go for something more worth while, like stop taking the Lord's name in vain, or swearing all the time because it makes you sound like an uneducated idiot. Check out these links if you don't know what I'm talking about.


Jessica said...

Those are so gay.

The Mom. said...

Thats so Gay!!!!!! Im going to try and say that every day!!!!!

Shaun and Kelli said...

that is SOOOO GAYYYYYY!!!!!! When people stop taking the Lord's name in vain, then I will stop saying That's so gay. THERE!